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Cookies & Analytics

When you use content from external sources, you need to ensure data compliance. Unsure what you need to do? With our new add-on tool Cookies & Analytics, you don’t need to worry. Our Cookie tool will do the work for you and automatically scan your website and update the cookie banner. The Analytics tool will help you understand the visitors and optimise your website accordingly.

Worry no more - our cookie tool will do the work for you

When you embed third-party content on your website (like a YouTube video), you need to give your visitors the option to reject the cookies. Our add-on Cookie tool automatically scans your site for cookies on a regular basis and creates the necessary cookie banner.

Automated cookie banners
Automated guidelines
Unwanted cookies blocked

Multi-level Cookie consents on your website

ChurchDesk Cookie tool blocks website cookies, categorises them and allows your visitors to select and opt-out of categories individually. A cookie policy also explains the use of cookies.

Get to know the people, who visit your website

Our Analytics tool gives you an better understanding of visitors. Where are they from, which pages are most popular and what device (computer, mobile, tablet) are people use to read on your church's website? With this knowledge you can optimise their overall experience.

Detailed statistics on website visitors
Fully integrated in ChurchDesk
No set-up required
GDPR compliant

Any questions?
We are happy to help.

Florian Radlinger
Church advisor

Ronja Borchers
Head of Sales

Fabio Mahalingam
Church advisor
